English or Spanish for kids – Speak & Do
Sign up for our courses for this school year 2023/2024 via our online registration form:
SPEAK & DO Courses - Registration Form
Would you like to check it out but you've missed the demo lessons? Email us.
What do we offer?
English or Spanish Immersion mornings for kids from 2 to 6 years old
English or Spanish Immersion afternoons for kids from 3 to 8 years old
When do our courses take place?
Morning courses run from 09:00 to 13:00 (4-hour)
Afternoon courses run from 14:00 to 16:00 and 16:00 to 18:00
Where do we meet?
"Stanice přírodovědců DDM" of the city of Prague, Drtinova 199/1a, Prague 5 - Smíchov
RK Orteňáček, Ortenovo nám. 1505/37, 170 00 Prague 7-Holešovice
(If you would love to attend Speak & Do but none of the above venues is convenient for you, please email us and we will look into options in your area.)
Why do we do it?
Because kids learn and practice foreign languages most efficiently through experience and the sooner and the more regularly they are exposed to other languages the easier it is for them to master those or keep them up.
What do we do with kids?
We play, sing, exercise, dance, run, skip and jump and we also just fool around.
We create, cook, do science projects, have picnics, read and work with Montessori teaching aids.
We do all this both indoors and outside in a park or a playground.
How much does it cost?
4-hour morning session:
275,- CZK/hour half-yearly prepayment
310,- CZK/hour single “pop-in” entry
6-hour morning session:
---,- CZK/hour half-yearly prepayment
---,- CZK/hour single “pop-in” entry
2-hour afternoon session:
275,- CZK/hour half-yearly prepayment
310,- CZK/hour single “pop-in” entry
In case you might need a single "pop-in" entry or a shorter pass, please contact us.
There are always at least two teachers at all our courses one of them being a native speaker and the other a Czech speaker. All the material and utensils we use at the course and kids take home is also included.
We always teach in tandem with a NATIVE ENGLISH SPEAKER. Children can attend one or more courses per week.
Cancellation policy & make-up classes:
If your child cannot attend the class and you inform us at least 24 hours in advance, you will not be charged for a pre-paid class. Your child can attend a make-up class any time during the whole semester provided there is a free spot at the day and time you choose. Should you cancel late (i.e. within less than 24 hours prior to the class) or do not inform us at all, you will lose the option to attend a make-up class. All cancellations and make-ups are dealt with through our WEBOOKER system. We highly recommend attending make-up lessons as soon as possible, since towards the end of the course, there may not be many options left. Before you attend the make-up lessons you choose, please wait for a confirmation message from the organizers. Should your child miss an excessive number of classes because of a serious or recurrent health problem, the cancellation policy will be resolved individually. Should your cancellations fall within the last two weeks of the mid-term, you will have a chance to attend make-up lessons in the first two weeks of the following term. No classes take place on Czech public holidays or during school vacations; course fees have been decreased accordingly.
SPEAK & DO Courses - Registration Form
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at info@speakanddo.cz or call +420 720 757 486.